Pro-Bono Projects

Pro Bono Work

JP Physio 01

JP Physio

Brand and marketing

JP Physio is a private Physiotherapy Clinic in the heart of Durham City. It was established by Pete and Jojo to provide the highest standards of musculoskeletal care, via physiotherapy consultations in a purpose built clinical but friendly environment.

The StoneHouse Smokery

Website Design

The StoneHouse Smokery is Cumbria’s finest artisan curer’s, smokers and roasters. Rearing their own animals, The StoneHouse Smokery produces the finest cured meats in Carlisle choosing only the finest meats and ingredients to offer the best of British Charcuterie. 

 Zone 9 Newquay

Website Design 

With sunset views over world famous Fistral bay, Zone9 is Newquay’s premier seaside holiday property. The vision of award-winning Australian architect Dominic Levene, the three-storey house is ideal for large groups or multiple families.

The Treet House

Branding and Website Design 

The Treet House offers great tasting cakes that not only look amazing, but taste fantastic. 

CaroleAnn’s Ironing Plan

Video and Social media management 

CaroleAnn’s Ironing Plan is a quick and affordable ironing service based in North East England.






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